Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Tackling 2015

Is it me, or did 2014 pass in the blink of an eye? When the holiday season hit last year, I wasn’t quite ready for it.  Ready or not, 2015 is here and I’m setting some lofty goals for my writing. It will be fun to sit down at the end of the year and see whether or not I’ve reached said goals.

The first thing I have to do is release the third and fourth books in the four book Time for Love series. Good news for you Justin and Chelsea fans. Both books are written. I am in the process of editing the third book, Tough Times. Once editing is complete, it will move to production which includes formatting and cover design. While that’s happening, I’ll begin editing It’s About Time, the fourth and final book in that series.

When Time for Love comes to a close, I will start work on the next series. It will be a four book contemporary erotic romance series entitled Taking on Love. If you like Justin and Chelsea’s stories, I’m confident you’ll love the Taking on Love set. I am going on record right now as saying I plan to write all four Taking on Love books before 2015 draws to an end.

So, when will I release the Taking on Love books? Will they all come out in 2015? I will do my best to release all four books this year. Adding these four to the two still due out in the Time for Love series makes six books I’d like to release this year.  That might be difficult to pull off.  At the very least, I will release the first two books in the series this year.

This year, I will do a better job at keeping up with my social media. More specifically, I will be better about updating my Face Book author page on a more consistent basis. I will post something on my Face Book author page at least once a week.  Speaking of social media, I will consider expanding my presence and create accounts on other sites. Notice I said I will consider it. I don’t mind admitting this is one area where I may fall short. Social media is a challenge for me, but I’m going to try.

Finally, most important of all, this is the year I will make at least one best seller list. I’d like to be on both the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists, but I’m not greedy. As long as I end up on one, I’ll be satisfied; for now. To meet this goal, I’m going to need your help. Buy my books and spread the word.

Like I said, these are lofty goals. I’m determined now, but the year is early. At the end of the year, we’ll talk again and I’ll let you know how I did. In the meantime, let the fun begin!

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